
Fire Drills


In these days and times, we mustn’t overlook the simple life safety procedures that are in place to preserve life, one of which is fire drills. They should be held twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. A current roll of students or employees and a list of anyone who may require special assistance in case of evacuation should always be immediately available for roll to be taken or assistance given during evacuation.

During a fire drill, everyone should move calmly and quickly to the nearest fire exit and proceed to their relocation area. Fire drills are conducted to ensure the following:

Everyone has evacuated the building
All doors and windows are closed
All halls, stairwells, fire system components, and walkways are accessible
Elevators are not utilized
All people have moved at least 50 feet from the building
The building is evacuated quickly and safely
Things that should be noted and corrected immediately:

Objects in halls or stairwells which may serve as impediments to egress
Any fire hazards that are contrary to life safety
When the fire drill for each floor has been completed, the manager will notify the leadership of the overall results of the drill and specific problems.

It is important to be familiar with your evacuation routes before a fire. Take note of the two nearest exits to your office, room, or workspace. You should always have two ways out of your building. It is natural to use only one way in and out of your building, particularly when you take the elevator to an upper floor. Familiarize yourself with the stairwells and where they lead before an evacuation is necessary.

Remember there is no such thing as a “false alarm”. Evacuation is mandatory and sensible whenever the fire alarm is activated.

Please contact your TNRMT safety professional for questions:

Chris Stites
Middle TN

Mark Bilyeu
West TN

Jason Baggett
East TN