TNRMT received safety grant applications from greater than twenty-five percent of the membership this year. Thank you so much for the great response!
We received applications totaling more than $617,000 from over 63 members.
The criteria to receive a grant is that all projects must have a direct impact on employee safety or the reduction of liability exposures. Our goal is to ensure that the funds impact safety from a proactive perspective.
The Risk Management Trust takes safety very seriously. We hope these grants will provide our members an opportunity to continue actively pursuing a strong safety culture. Our primary goal is to reduce and eliminate workplace injuries by improving and providing opportunities for the identification and elimination of risk.
While the TNRMT board approved $63,000 for grants in 2018, in 2019 they were able to approve 24 applications and issue checks for more than $129,000. A few of the grants that were approved include outside lighting, walkway repair, safety PPE items, a trailer to transport trenching shoring equipment, dock lift, TDOT training, training software, and training room upgrades. These grants should have immediate benefit to the well-being of our members and their staff. The following are our 2019 Safety Grant recipients:
Bells City Schools
Benton County Schools
Carter County
Chester County Highway
Chester County Solid Waste
Cleveland City Schools
Cumberland County Schools
Dickson County Schools
Hancock County Schools
Henry County Schools
Humphreys County Schools
Jackson County Schools
Johnson County Schools
Lawrenceburg Utility
McMinn County Schools
Monroe County
Poplar Grove Utility
South Carroll Schools
Stewart County Schools
Sweetwater City Schools
Union County
Representatives from the Tennessee Risk Management Trust are actively delivering checks to the 2019 grant recipients.
Chris Stites
Safety Engineering and Claims Management